Spring Chickens

One with the chicks.

As you can see…

She’s not enjoying them at all.

Green on green on green


Cardinal on her nest

First there were 3 little cardinals, then 2, then 1, then none. Bad spot for a nest? Hopefully photographing it didn’t disturb them. Maybe the black rat snakes are out hunting (even though we haven’t seen them yet)? Spring can be brutal.

At school the kids were drawing/contemplating a dead bird that met its end by flying into the school window.

We saw a run-over copperhead snake on our road (3rd one this spring!)! Again, a brutal spring for some. Exhibit D: the awful flooding in our area (we are up high and were thankfully not affected other than the kids having a week off school and bad traffic). All of the chicks are happily still alive and have enjoyed pecking around the yard (we’ve kept a close eye on them) but are still spending their nights in the comfort of our living room (in a bin).

Coop site planning

We cleared out a pretty good sized area.

And Smoochie…

Got the base of the coop built! Woo!

We also moved the rabbits out to this area; so the bunnies and the chickens will be neighbors.

Hey neighbor!

They caught some worms and the kids exclaimed, “I thought they were vegetarians!?”

Me: “No, look at them they’re like little velociraptors (especially when they blink).”

What’re you looking at?

Holding Specky

Check out Specky’s leopard print feathers!!

Puff Puff helping to weed the garden

I LOVE the salmon favorelle’s feathery feet!

Springy abstract sculpture

Chickens are way more well behaved than bunnies. I spent like 45 minutes one night last week (during the heavy rain) trying to catch Bun-Bun in the woods.

Cinco de Mayo

Goldie admiring the lovely edges of the garden plots

Where we planted…

Red Foliated Cotton (image from Baker Creek) 

We have never tried growing cotton before; very exciting!

Dexie has been nice

Hopefully she will never discover that they taste like chicken!

So for any of you that are considering getting chickens; there is a ton of information out there in internet world about raising chicks but I wanted to give you the most important #1 tip we’ve learned so far about keeping chickens:

Just wing it.


6 thoughts on “Spring Chickens

  1. Eliza Waters

    They’ve really grown fast! Cute pics.
    Love the school circle pic processing the death of the hapless bird (so sensitive) and the girls hats and outfits are so colorful.
    Glad you’re safe from the flooding, it can be so frightening.

    1. Spy Garden Post author

      Yes when I walked up all the kids were very silent and serious studying the bird. Recently they had a funeral for a dead raccoon they found in the woods haha. She will be going to kindergarten in the fall and leaving Forest school for “regular” school (and she is excited about it) but I think it is a great foundation for kids. I wish elementary schools functioned more like it! Thanks for the comments!


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